Our Ogden Community
We've been actively involved with the Ogden community for nearly 50 years. We love Utah...from the amazing mountains to the beautiful Great Salt Lake...and we're committed to making it a better place to live. We believe that bicycles are a simple solution to many challenges we face including traffic congestion, air quality, and health and wellness. Please become part of a simple solution...ride a bike!

Recycle Metal!
We recycle well over 1000 lbs of metals every year. We do our absolute best to repair components so they can function as long as safely possible. When a component works, but the performance has diminished to the point where the customer is no longer satisfied, it's donated to the Ogden Bike Collective. Components that are no longer functional or safe to use are donated to customers for art projects or recycled.

Recycle Cardboard!
We recycle over 200 lbs of cardboard and packing paper every week. We save the best bike boxes to reuse and donate to customers who need to pack and ship bikes. We reuse packaging materials and small boxes to ship product to online customers.

2020 Community Events
2020 was a crazy year. We've never been so busy and at the same time so worried about our success in the future. 2021 is looking to be a tough one for sure. Just about every race or activity was cancelled for the year, but we were still able to participate in a number of community fund-raising events. We were happy to team up with the Ogden Collective in repairing and donating used bikes for Christmas. We participated in Community Christmas again, and were so grateful for the generosity of our customers in providing gifts for Weber County families. Finally, two amazing customers, Jeff and Tammy Baird reached out to us to help out with the Christmas Tree Jubilee. They were nice enough to send us this letter letting us know how it went. For Jeff, Tammy, and everyone else who went out of their way to do something kind for a neighbor, THANK YOU!! It's people like you that make Ogden such a wonderful place to live.

Global Fatbike Day 2018
Matt's flipping pancakes again...This time at North Fork Park for Global Fatbike Day. Great snow this year, so the biking was a blast!

Community Christmas
This year we set up and decorated a Giving Tree for Community Christmas. Thank you to everyone who participated with us. We'll participate again next year. It's a great program that helps our local Weber county families.

Goodwill Bike Drive
We received awesome support from our customers with over 20 bikes donated this year! With the help of the Ogden Collective, these bikes will all end up being donated to qualified recipients through Ogden charities.

Manual Machine
Mart is giving the manual machine a try in-between bike demos down at the Spring Thaw in Moab.

Moab Spring Thaw
For the second year in a row, ATK has invited us to join them for some mountain bike demo fun at Poison Spider's Spring Thaw in Moab.

Mag Seven
Mike and I were able to sneak in an amazing ride down the Mag Seven before heading off to the Spring Thaw.

WSU Bike Giveaway
We were able to sponsor Weber State's Wildcat Clean Air Initiative. Here we are giving away a Trek Fuel EX to a lucky winner.

Clean Air Initiative
This sweet ride has already been given away, but be sure to join us next February for the Wildcat Clean Air Initiative.

Thanks for helping us out with the giveaway!

Sweaty Yeti 2018
Mike's getting the pressure just right for the big fatbike race.

Repairs on Ice!
You almost had to wear Crampons just to keep upright at our tent during the Sweaty Yeti.

Pbst Blue Ribbon Pancakes
Matt's special pancakes are unbeatable! The only way to get some is to visit our tent during an event.

Bridge building up Beus
This trail is definitely steeper than it looks. Add some 12' cedar boards, and you've got a good workout!

Bridge building up Beus
One of many trips up the trail.

Tri training
Steph teaches several tri clinics throughout the year. They're fun, free, and super informative.

Go Green!
Matt showing us how it's done picking up shop orders on his Ebike.

Wildflower Trail Fest
Steph is teaching the ladies some good cycling tips.

Ogden trail maintenance
The Bench is always in need of a little help. Donate your time when you can!

Beus bridge building
Josh tackled that 4X4X10 solo no problems.

Sweaty Yeti
It's always a good time flipping pancakes for Ogden's Sweaty Yeti!